Wednesday, May 23, 2007


The road to succes is not straight..
There is a curve called confusion..
Speed bumps called bad frienz..
Red lights called enemies..
caution lights called family..
Potholes called ego...
U will have a flat tyre called problems....
But if u have a spare tyre called determination....
An engine called perseverance....
Insurance called faith...
A mirror called humility....
GOD as the guide and driver...
U will make it to a place called SUCCESS!!!!!!!!!!!!


Puaka Petaka said...

You can make the different....

chu_blues said...


Puaka Petaka said...

ye la ko punya post tu macam iklan excident.....
sebatu la ending dia tulis you can make the different atau anda mampu mengubahnya.

chu_blues said...

chu tlis spy member2 pat bc n pikirkan aper yg baik n benar n kalu dah puaka nk fikir mcm tuer suka atie lah..nak at cmner..

punjunk said...

tak paham la apa yang chu n puaka cakap

Puaka Petaka said...

relaks la chu....
aku paham apa yang hang tulis tu...
aku melawak saja....

chu_blues said...

chu relax la nier..kalu x dah lamer chu guner ayat @#$%^&*^%